

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival 2014

So yesterday I went to the Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival.  It was cancelled Friday night due to rain.  And things didn't go as planned yesterday either.  It was a gorgeous day, but just a little too breezy.  There was supposed to be a mass launch late in the afternoon/early evening of all the balloons, but that was eventually cancelled due to the winds.  The wind was supposed to die down at sunset, so the nighttime glow was still scheduled.  All the balloons were supposed to be inflated and tethered and light up at dusk.  Well that didn't go as planned either.  Still too windy.  One small balloon did go up, but was having problems because of the wind, so most of the other balloonists started packing up.  I patiently waited it out and eventually 3 more balloons did go up.  It was definitely cool to watch, but disappointing that I paid money and sat around for 6 hours (by myself) and only got to see 4 balloons.  But I guess it was better than none!!  Here are some of the pictures I took during the event yesterday.  Maybe next year will be better weather!!

It was a gorgeous day and the landscape views of the country were breathtaking.

Check out the kite in the middle.  If it's a good day to fly a kite, then it's not a good day to fly a balloon.

Testing the propane on one of the baskets.

Finally the small balloon decided to give it a go.  They were definitely have trouble keeping the balloon upright.

Finally another larger balloon decided to give it a go as well.  Winds finally had died down at dusk.

These balloons weren't that far apart, and look how at the difference in size!!

So pretty lit up at dusk!!

Finally after the sun had set, the special shapes decided to give it a go.  Most of the other balloonists had already given up and were packing up and leaving.

The other special shape that decided to give it a go.

Absolutely love my new 35mm 1.8g lens!!  Takes awesome handheld photographs in low light situations!!

So glad I stuck around until the end!!  

How cool are these guys!!

Even though the day didn't go as planned, I'm still glad I stuck around to the bitter end to see a few of the balloons.  All the pictures of the balloons were actually taken right by where I had parked my car.  Turns out I got there at the right time and had a close spot on the end right by the field where the balloons were.  Lucky me!!  Hope you enjoyed these photographs.  I'm really happy with the quality of hand held photos that my new lens takes!!  I guess it was worth the money!!

Until next time.

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